Opening Speech

Prof. Adiwijaya

    Prof. Adiwijaya

    Rector of Telkom University Indonesia

    Keynote Speakers

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karla Ohler-Martins

      Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karla Ohler-Martins

      Professor for Industrial service, Institute of Business Administration

      Prof. Dra. Indrawati, M.M., Ph.D.

        Prof. Dra. Indrawati, M.M., Ph.D.

        Professor in Digital Marketing, School of Economics and Business Telkom University, Indonesia

        Dr. Sandhir Sharma

          Dr. Sandhir Sharma

          Pro Vice Chancellor Chitkara Business School, Punjab, India.

          Prof. Kondo Kunio

            Prof. Kondo Kunio

            Emeritus Professor School of Media Science, Tokyo University of Technology